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基于 ARM 的 Windows 10 文档. Windows 10 在由 ARM 处理器提供动力的电脑上运行。 本页还提供了有关详细了解此平台以及开始开发应用的信息。 2/12/2013 When you can’t open Settings to get into safe mode, restart your device from the Windows sign-in screen. On the Windows sign-in screen, press and hold the Shift key while you select the Power > Restart .. After your PC restarts to the Choose an option screen, select Troubleshoot > Advanced options > Startup Settings > Restart.You may be asked to enter your BitLocker recovery key. Windows 10 Windows 8.1 Windows 7 Use the Add a language feature to download and install another language for Windows 10 so you can view menus, dialog boxes, and … 所有最新 Windows 网页浏览器都支持视频,无需使用浏览器插件。如果您的 PC 上不再需要 QuickTime 7,请按照卸载 Windows 版 QuickTime 7 的说明操作。 QuickTime 7.7.9 中的新功能 QuickTime 7.7.9 包含安全性更新,因此,建议所有使用 QuickTime 7 的 Windows 用户都安装这个版本。 Windows 10 64-bit: Home, Pro, Enterprise, or Education, version 1903 (Build 18362 or higher). Enable the WSL 2 feature on Windows. For detailed instructions, refer to the Microsoft documentation. The following hardware prerequisites are required to successfully run WSL 2 on Windows 10:
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